Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thing 11

I'm not a serious consumer of the news. I only read it when I'm bored. I read the Gainesville Sun online, and a paper it seems increasingly inclined to borrow stories from, The New York Times. Occaisionally, when I'm really bored, I'll sink as low as The news I most prefer is on the public radio. It's insightful, succint, and interesting, on both the local and national level. But enough about me, social media is about everyone!

And it sucks. It's like reading a tabloid online or something. I just don't care. I see no value in it for libraries.

You know, this thing brings to mind a book I once read by local history professor, C. John Sommerville: How the News Makes Us Dumb - The death of wisdom in an information society. He basically argues that daily news is not about wisdom, but about change - what publishers think they can get us interested in and get us to pay for, on a continual basis. And this was written 10 years ago. With the advent of social media, I think it's all the more relevent.

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