Friday, January 30, 2009

Thing 3

Ah the blogosphere - a place for anyone and everyone to say whatever they want and share it with the world. How do you find the really good blogs? I'm not sure blog search engines are the way to go. For one thing, the search engines are not very intuitive. I searched for blogs about libraries that mention gaming in technorati and got a bunch of crap - they seem to be ranked by date only, not relevancy. Blog lines is nice because it has a relevancy and popularity sorter, but I still didn't get very good results. Both search engines returned the blog by the shifted librarian, in which the author extoles the virtues of gaming in the library. I'm still not convinced...

It seems to me that a better way to find good blogs is just tooling around the internet, keeping an eye out for blogs on sites that you like to visit. That's how I found Jeff Master's weather blog (see link in Thing 1 post).

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thing 2

So what is web 2.0 and what does it have to do with the library? According to the video and blogs Neflin suggested, it is the future of libraries and it is going to be revolutionary, so we all better jump on board.

Basically, web 2.0 is a natural extension of the internet as a place for information exchange. This fits in with the library mission, somewhere, right? Sure it does. My library already has a blog and I was directing patrons to it before I ever created one myself.

But what about gaming? Does that fit in with the library's mission? How does that promote literacy or the free exchange of information, or even the checking out of any library materials? Are we adding another mission - recreation - and how is that going to be compatible with the other services we offer?

Here at my library, many of our patrons don't have the computer skills or literacy level to take advantage of what we already offer. Let's not forget library 1.0, as we move ahead with the fancy new 2.0 stuff.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thing 1

Well, I now officially have a presence on the blogosphere! I have arrived. You wouldn't even think I belonged to the "millenial" generation, would you? Yes, I was 5 when the Princess Bride came out. There was internet in my house when I was 8. Still, this whole social networking thing kind of freaks me out. The only blog I read is Jeff Master's weather blog on And now, all the 23 things blogs. Hello everyone out there!